Get Ready


“It’s suppose to be hard. … Hard is what makes it great.”

                                      -Tom HanksA League Of Their Own

WELCOME to the LiberateOn Art Installation.

From this point forward, we know we are in the Art Installation when our breathing is slow and deep.

Slow and deep breathing is a micro-commitment, to retrain the nervous system, by giving it SPACE to unwind.

The LiberateOn Art Installation is designed to create space, SO give yourself permission to
proceed or come back, when the nervous system has SPACE to unwind.

From a place of SPACE start by completing the following steps:

Steps 1 – 3

Step 1  Start by reading one of the verses titled About Art Installation. Take this action by selecting Choice 1 or 2 using your intuition.

Step 2  Repeat above process for the Logbook, and make an entry in Logbook to begin to construct meaning of your art experience, remembering to follow your INTUITION along the way.

Step 3  Read Asset Mapping and create personal Asset Map in Logbook letting your INTUITION guide the right time and manner of execution.

Step 4

Step 4  Click on link below to preview the titles of the thought experiments in Level 1, of the Art Installation. Each of the thought
experiment contains practices that help create space for the nervous system to unwind.